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Integrative Biology of Marine Organisms
UMR 7232


Ciona intestinalis embryo at stage 21. Expression of KLF1/2/4 and Msxb (Agnès Roure ©)


















Research unit of the CNRS and the Sorbonne University (UMR 7232)

  • Director : Hector Escriva (hector.escriva @ obs-banyuls.fr)
  • Administration : Didier Peuzé

Address :
Observatoire Océanologique
1 avenue Pierre Fabre
66650 Banyuls sur mer - France

Tel : +33 (0)
E-mail didier.peuze @ obs-banyuls.fr


The main purpose of the "Integrated Biology of Marine Organisms (BIOM)" research unit is to study, in an evolutionary approach, the mechanisms of development and adaptation of marine organisms. This very general objective is achieved through the use of non-conventional marine model organisms allowing comparative studies complementary to those carried out with more traditional models. This type of approach is based both on the specificities related to the diversity of the organisms studied, but also on the profound unity of the living world which allows comparisons between organisms that are in many cases phylogenetically very distant from each other.


See the RSS feed for these contents


    • Science Day

      Come and meet ascidians! Discover the research performed by the DEEVA team on october 5th. Doors will be opened at the marine station of Banyuls-sur-mer. Check the program here.

    • Internship proposal for Master 2 - 2025

      The DEEVA group proposes the following research project for Master 2 students:Evolutionary alterations of developmental gene networks

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